Operating from 2008-2018, the HAP thrilled audiences with our excellent stage productions. Open to ages 9 - 24, we provide a wholesome, nurturing environment in which to practice the crafts of acting and technical design. We teach that no member is more important than another, but that each individual, with their unique gifts and talents, is vitally important in creating an artistic experience that is greater than the sum of our parts.
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Performance art is the perfect place to use our strengths to benefit others, while gaining new skills and experiences that help us overcome our weaknesses. The HAP provides a safe place in which to grow as artists and as people.
Future HAP Productions
We are currently in a holding pattern for future theatre productions, waiting on the Lord to see what he has in store next. But our director, Lynn Moody, is making independent films and teaching acting classes. Get more info or on the mailing list at the Precious Light Pictures website.
2008 - 2025 The HAP. All rights reserved. |
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